Market Buying FAQs

How do I place orders?
Place your Spring Market orders through your primary supplier’s platform (Market Savings Builder for Do it Best members, Netwarehouse for True Value retailers). Every vendor will have signage showing you the types of programs they offer to Do it Best and True Value.

Can I shop the whole floor?
Yes! All vendors will have space on the Market floor, regardless of your supplier. Use the Market app to locate your vendor of choice.

Can I buy Hot Buys and Sneak Peeks?
True Value retailers will have access to Hot Buys through NetWarehouse and in your POS download. 

Do it Best members will have access to Sneak Peeks through Market Savings Builder. To unlock Sneak Peek orders, you must have a Do it Best number and physically enter the Market floor.
Pro tip: Plan your Sneak Peek orders before you leave for the Market. 

If you are dual-affiliated, you will have access to both platforms.

Can I drop-ship from all vendors?
To place drop-ship orders, you must have a member/retailer number with an eligible supplier. Each vendor booth will have a designation of the programs they offer to Do it Best and/or True Value. For example: If a vendor offers a Do it Best drop-ship program, you must have a Do it Best member number to order from that program.

Is there an event for True Value retailers?
We’re excited to welcome True Value retailers to our Spring Market. Join us on March 20 from 5:00–6:30 pm ET to hear from CEO Dan Starr and True Value President Dent Johnson as they highlight wins and future plans for True Value. In addition, we encourage you to join our other Market events throughout the weekend.